Orient Job To Image - Georeferencing
This option allows you to rotate and scale the job to fit the background image.
The procedure involves identifying common points on both the job and the image.
You need to choose image features which are also in your job as points.
Be sure that the parcel you are considering is open before selecting the image
The more points you match, the better the fit will be. the program will compute an
Affine transformation between the job and the image and will display the residuals(errors)
in the table in the dialog box.
Image Point
Click on a point in the image, then click on the same point in the job.

Job Point
After clicking on a point in the image, then click on the same point in the job.
The program will do an Affine transformation between the image and the job using the points
you have selected. It will display the transformation residuals as dX and dY values.
These are the errors at each point.
This is the residual in Y for the matched points.
When you have matched enough points, accept the transformation by pressing this button.
From now on, the image and the job will be kept ‘in sync’ as you zoom and pan around the job.